CfA: School of Public Policy Mother Theresa, Skopje, 2011-2012


Call for participants of the School of Public Policy |Mother Theresa|

The call for participants for the second generation of students of the School of Public Policy "Mother Theresa" is now open. The School is organized by the Center for Research and Policy Making from Skopje (, under the auspices of the Council of Europe Schools of Political Studies Program. Every generation of student of the School attend at least three weekend seminars (three working days) and one Summer University of Democracy. Each July, the Summer University assembles over 500 young leaders from 16 Council of Europe schools, which, during their five-day stay in Strasbourg, have the opportunity to not only listen to a large number of international experts, and visit the European Court of Human Rights and other institutions, but also to connect with colleagues from other schools. On the last day of the seminar, the Secretary- General of the Council of Europe presents diplomas to participants in a formal ceremony. Highly renowned experts, professors and diplomats are guest lecturers at the seminars which are held in English and Macedonian language.

Our potential candidates should be mid-career professionals, age between 24 and 40 years from the: universities, public administration, media, business, civil society and political parties. Schools like |Mother Theresa| are also organized in other European capitals: Baku, Belgrade, Bucharest, Kiev, Moscow, Pristina, Sarajevo, Sofia, Tirana, Tbilisi, Erevan and Zagreb.

For applying for the second generation of the School you will need to submit the following documents:

– Curriculum vitae

– Letter of motivation (not longer than one page)

– Two recommendations (optional)

Please send the required documents to: not later than 1st of September, with subject: Application for the School of Public Policy "Mother Theresa". Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Please note that in the selection of the candidates we will pay special attention to the regional, ethnical, and gender balance of the group. The call is open only to Macedonian citizens.

For more information visit: