Areximbank-Gazprombank Group CJSC announces a start of accepting application-bids for single student scholarships under the Bank’s spreading around the country, meeting every student’s interests action. It is targeted at supporting the enhancement of formation of young specialists, promoting active students with high academic achievements in full or partial payment of their semiannual tuition fee, as well as consideration of the possibility of their future involvement in the Areximbank-Gazprombank Group CJSC.
Who can apply? 2nd – 4th year (or 5th year students if available) undergraduate students (those receiving state scholarship and paying tuition fee for their study), who exclusively have excellent or only two non-excellent marks.
· 1st-2nd year graduate students (those receiving state scholarship and paying tuition fee for their study),
· Postgraduate students, and degree seeking students,
· RA and foreign citizens studying at Armenian universities,
· Students of RA state and private universities.
Application deadline is November 15, 2010.
For more information please visit