Transforming Politics: New Synergies
19 – 21 April 2011
Novotel London West
Deadline: Friday 22nd October, 2010
The 61st Political Studies Association Annual Conference is to be held in West London, and the Association’s Media and Politics Group (the MPG) will again be providing its own stream of panels, for which we invite proposals. While the conference is themed on ne synergies in transforming politics, papers dealing with any aspect of media and politics will be considered.
The PSA is the UK’s leading association in the study and research of politics. The MPG is one of its largest specialist groups, and is one of the world’s largest political communications groups.
Proposals should include the following: title and name, institutional affiliation and address, and preferred email address; together with, a paper title and abstract of not more than 200 words; and, whether or not you are a postgraduate student.
Proposals should be sent on or before Friday 22nd October 2010 to Dr Michael [email protected]. Please note that this is an earlier deadline than for non-MPG submissions and late proposals will not be entertained.
In common with previous years, abstracts submitted for the MPG stream will be subject to two levels of peer review. In addition, the PSA have a policy of limiting panels to one postgraduate student.
Michael Higgins, Media and Politics Group, co-convenor
Dr Michael Higgins
Department of English Studies
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow G1 1XH
Tel: +44(0)141 548 4678
Email:[email protected]