WE-Heraeus foundation Physics Summer School
Protection of Humans and Their Environment Against Ionising Radiation
Bad Honnef, Germany, May 9 – 21, 2010
Main topics
A) Basics in radiation physics, chemistry, statistics
B) Basics in radiation biophysics, biology, medicine
C) Natural and anthropogenic radiation sources and exposures
D) Ionising radiation in medicine
E) Practical aspects of radiation protection
F) National and international regulations
G) Seminars
H) Exercises
I) Experiments, practical training
Deadline: March 31, 2010
Participation fee: Thanks to a generous grant from the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Stiftung we can offer the participation in the Physics Summer School for the very low fee of 150 Euro (incl. lectures, accommodation and full board).
Venue: Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
Web: http://iss-kurse. helmholtz- muenchen. de/heraeus- school/tagungsor t.php