The Forbes has published the list of the 25 richest people in the world who don’t have diplomas. American Armenian billionaire Kirk Kirkoryan is among them too. There are artists, businessmen, models in the list, who have been successful and become rich without higher education. The list is headed by Hollywood actor Robert De Niro, …
read moreInterview with the head of the Fight against Organized Crime Department and the head of Prevention of Trafficking of RA Police, sub-colonel of police Tigran Petrosyan. – When was the first case of trafficking registered in Armenia? – In Armenia the term trafficking was first used in 2000. It was when the UN convention on …
read moreAccording to our information the RA government has sent to the NA a bill on amending and revising the RA criminal code. The government has recalled its bill for revision in September. According to the revised bill certain change should be made and those should basically focus on tempering punishment. According to our information these …
read moreAmbassador Marie L. Yovanovitch On November 25, I will join Armenian officials and local civic groups in observing the International Day to End Violence Against Women. As that day approaches, I cannot help thinking about Zaruhi Petrosyan, the twenty-year-old mother from Ararat Marz whose life came to a violent end in her own home on …
read more– Through the time young people are starting to use drugs in Armenia. What is the main direction of function of the police department on fighting drugs? – In the modern world the illegal circulation and use of drugs is one of the biggest social problems. Everywhere in the world and in Armenia people are …
read moreThe head of the Russian TV academy foundation Michael Shvidkoy has given a prize to journalist Manana Aslamazyan in the nomination of “Individual contribution in the Russian TV”. After the incident in the customs service Aslamazyan had to leave from Russia, and her Internews organization, which organized trainings of independent journalism for participants from the …
read moreThe Armenians of Heavenville of the Eastside of the US wish to sell the Armenian Church and the city committee of monument protection wishes to maintain it. According to the Associated Press the ones that defend the church claim that the church, which has a 163-year-old history, is being sold to a construction firm that …
read moreOne of the biggest challenges or problems for Armenia is the bad situation with natural protection such as pollution of the Sevan lake and high level of water, annihilation of forests, rough violations of natural protection norms for mining purposes, etc. We can continue this list very long. Definitely the natural protection organizations are true …
read moreYesterday at the ministry of nature protection the journalists once again witnessed the mildly said cynical behavior of the minister Aram Harutyunyan. The impression was that the minister was discussing his personal matters in his own home. By setting aside all the environmental issues of the country he wished to speak about the 10-million USD …
read moreRecently a video was posted on Facebook, which from the first look reminds of the incident in Yeghnikner. That video was posted on the Youtube several months ago ( but unlike the previous one, in this tape the events are happening in Yerevan, at a school in the center of the capital city. In the …
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