
Armenian Genocide resolution approval depends on the White House


Things are currently heated up in Washington. To be honest, they never were normal. It’s just that these days everything is dramatic for Armenian Americans. They really feel the glory of victory after the Democrats won and formed a majority in the legislative branch-the resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide may be approved. Resolution N106 Six …

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Turning him into a hero?


Turkish presses printed photos on Friday showing the author of the assassination of editor in chief of the “Agos” weekly Hrant Dink, Ogyun Samast, with the Turkish flag and policemen standing next to him. Some policemen were in uniforms. There is also a big poster of the Turkish flag behind Samast and the words of …

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The European Union is absolutely interested in the South Caucasus


It was hard to imagine what the diplomatic settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict would be during the signing of the ceasefire agreement back in 1994. As the winning side of the military conflicts, Armenia was going to demand that its military achievements be instated. On the contrary, Azerbaijan was going to claim that war is …

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The Nuclear Cause for Reinstating Territorial Integration


The next Georgian-Russian scandal would rarely be focused on if it didn’t have an “atomic component”. Scandals and crises have become such an inseparable part of interstate relations that it’s already impossible to imagine those relations without them. But the “atomic story”, excuse me, is not like the phony wine or “Borzhomi” or even the …

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Serious mistake


“By discussing with the Nagorno-Karabakh authorities of the separatist regime and not meeting Azeri community head of Nagorno-Karabakh Nizami Bahmanov, the intermediaries have taken a seriously dangerous path,” announced director of the Political innovations and technologies of Azerbaijan Mubariz Ahmedoghli regarding the OSCE Minsk Group’s first visit to the region this year, according to “RIA …

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Enough with the murders, please


Arda Akchay has never met an Armenian. True, he has friends in Istanbul that have Armenian friends, “but they are half-Armenian, half-Turk,” he says. Arda is already a student and recently came to Berlin to study Informatics in light of the Erasmus international program. – What do you know about Turks and Armenians? – I …

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The court of Istanbul pronounced the verdict to arrest Ogyun Samast who had assassinated chief editor of the “Agos” weekly Hrant Dink after Samast submitted a four-page avowal. In his testimony, the assassin had written that Dink’s articles and his announcements about Turkey had motivated him to commit the crime.

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Moscow expects the Ministers


RA Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan has left for Moscow to participate in the negotiations over the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, planned on January 23. Because of purely objective reasons there were no particular hopes that the negotiations would be resumed. Recently the President of Armenia, Robert Kocharyan announced that the intensive negotiations will …

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Judging from certain signs, 2007 may be the last year for the CIS. The CIS gave up on effectiveness of an interstate alliance in politics a long time ago and is now giving up on economic relations benefiting countries. If we leave political correctness aside, we can say that there was only one thing that …

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Moving towards Medieval Times


Three dictators died before the 2006th birthday of Jesus Christ-Pinochet, Turkmenbashi and Saddam Hussein. The world, however, paid more attention to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein who was executed in Baghdad. Of course, he could have been killed through the means accepted and respected during Medieval Times, for example, by tying him to the tail of …

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