
American schools will become homosexual


The U.S. Department of Education has decided to change the laws for study in the U.S. As stated in The Washington Times, from now on, local authorities can have classrooms with homosexual students and can even found schools for homosexuals. “Our studies have shown that students learn better in schools where there are only homosexuals,” …

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They justified the publishers of the comic sketch of Mohammed


The Danish court has justified the workers at Jyllands-Posten newspaper, who published a comic sketch in 2005 made up of 12 pieces, featuring Mohammed the prophet in one of them. With the decision of the court, the sketches are not insulting and the publication doesn’t offend the Muslim religion. The text next to the sketches …

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Is Nazarbaev a potential recipient of Nobel prize?


The people’s assembly of Kazakhstan has suggested the nomination of the president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbaev for Nobel Peace Prize. The president expressed his gratitude to the assembly and said that “he doesn’t work for the assembly, but for the reputation of their country”. Last week, the presidents of Ukraine and Georgia, V. Youschenko and …

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USA is going to leave Iraq


According to the British news agency “The independent”, the U.S. Ambassador to Baghdad Zalmay Khalizad and the regional commander of the U.S. army forces and General George Keysey organized a press conference in Iraq. During the press conference they presented a new political and military program, according to which the U.S. forces will leave Iraq …

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I want to be Georgian…


The complicated relations between Russia and Georgia have led to predictable and unpredictable results. A number of groups have appeared in Russia (especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg) wearing coats with the words “I am Georgian” written on them. “This is against the policy of pressuring Georgians”, say the members of those groups, who look …

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The same mentality


The “Journalists Across Borders” international organization has called on the Azerbaijani authorities to reconsider re-broadcasting the programs of the “Azatutyun” r adio station, “America’s Voice” and BBC. The Azerbaijani national television/radio council has decided that all radio programs, including the programs broadcasted on national radio, will no longer re-broadcast foreign programs as of January 1 …

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T It’s a question of Braiza’s career


Once, the “tour” of an Azeri journalist on the Internet ended with a scandal. That journalist had revealed the annual report about NGOs and representations prepared by the U.S. Justice Department, where he also found out about the representation of Nagorno Karabakh. Everyone knows what happened after that, and whoever doesn’t know can figure it …

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Georgia will apply to the European Court


Georgia can apply to the European Court of Human Rights for the national discrimination of Georgians in Russia. “We feel uneasy about the facts of ethnic cleansing, but they are incompatible to what’s going on in the 21st century and can only be compared to tragic events of the 20th century. That’s why the Georgian …

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Wouldn’t advice


Yesterday the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, warned that it is not good to provoke Russia. “I wouldn’t advise anyone to provoke and commit Russia. This concerns Georgia”, said Putin during a meeting with the heads of parliamentary factions. Yesterday the Russian Duma condemned the “anti-Russian policy of the Georgian authorities” and adopted the sanctions that …

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Russian answer


The Russian police have informed “Itar-Tass” that the police had discovered a group of criminals, which consisted of citizens of Georgia. The mentioned group was involved in criminal activities such as murdering, robbery, etc. The mentioned criminals illegally possessed apartments of Russian citizens, made them leave their apartments and gave the apartments to other people …

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