
Refuting the Genocide fact is crime


Yesterday the Armenian parliament made amendments in the RA Criminal Code, according to which hereinafter refuting the fact of the Genocide is crime. The mentioned law writes that distributing materials via electronic or other means targeted to refuting the fact of the Genocide, against the human peace or security done on the basis of race, …

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Predicting upcoming mass migration


There are several ways how you can find Armenians in the U.S.A. If you are in an American city, you can see Armenians in several places: 1. Cafes, where Armenians like to gather (for instance, “Starbucks” cafe in Boston, where native Armenians and Diaspora Armenian like to have coffee), 2. in Armenian Churches (Washington, New …

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They may hurry


According to “ITAR-TASS”, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Ivanov says that it’s quite possible that the Russian soldliers will be removed from the military bases allocated in Akhalkalak and Batum quickly. He says that the rush to dislocate the bases is due to the current tense situation in Georgia. “I think that everyone understands the situation …

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“Azerbaijan will get new sources of income”


According to the new report of “Stratfor” analyzing center, the U.S. will focus on the following until the end of the year: the Iraq war, tense relations between Iran and North Korea, and the U.S. Congress elections, so it won’t have a lot of time for relations with Moscow. In the meantime, Russia will continue …

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“American Tour” of the Venezuelan President


There are things that remain sacred. With that said, we could have considered the New York summit following the speech made by the Iranian president at the UN summit this year and his “complementary” interviews as not too startling if it weren’t for Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. Chaves, who can compete with leaders of the …

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Banda arrested


Recently the Azeri police department on struggling against organized criminal groups arrested several famous criminals (Unus Nazarov, Mubariz Hajizadze and Shamil Mehtiev). According to, all the mentioned three criminals are under arrest now. The Azeri police confiscated drugs from the mentioned criminals.

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The last military column has left Georgia


Russia has finished its plan for 2006 of taking its military forces out of Georgia. On Tuesday, the last Russian military column left Georgia from its 62 military basement in Tsalka. The mentioned column was the 12th column and had 3 tanks, 11 zenith bombers and 300 tons of weapons. Generally, in 2006 Russia took …

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Kirkorian places 26th


Armenian American rich businessman Kirk Kirkorian places 26th in the list of 400 top billionaires of America in the “Forbes” magazine. According to “Forbes”, Kirk Krikorian has nine billion dollars. He owns nearly 10% of the shareholdings of “General Motors”. Kirkorian is also the owner of a chain of hotels and casinos. Head of the …

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The next to last Monday


The school year in Georgia finally began on September 18. Not only did the current young, revolutionary authorities have doubts about September 1 as the first day of school, but also the former authorities. A couple of years ago, things go so heated up during the months of August-September that former Georgian Minister of Education …

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Bush is going to participate


U.S. president, George Bush, is going to participate in the UN General Assembly meeting (61) in New York on September 18-20 and is going to have meetings with leaders of other countries. Today Bush is going to make a speech at the General Assembly and will organize a reception for the heads of the delegations …

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