According to adviser for the Russian government’s cultural preservation department Timofey Kononenko, Hovhannes Ayvazovski’s “Sunset” painting was damaged due to a fire that broke out in Fyodor Tyutcheyev’s “Muranovo” private home on July 26. However, Kononenko says that it’s possible to restore the painting and also mentions that another 180 paintings were damaged as a …
read moreMr. Geovtchiyan is a great patriot and is dedicated to strengthening ties between Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora. He is the deputy head of the coordinating council for French-Armenian organizations. Currently, there are nearly 200 French-Armenian associations in France. All the associations have set goals to implement projects aimed towards economy, society, politics, culture and …
read moreDuring July 18-27, 30 journalists from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia paid a visit to Great Britain in the framework of a program funded by the British Council and British Government. The program was entitled “The role of Mass Media in monitoring the activities of government” and was organized by the British Council. The program was …
read moreEveryone likes to travel. All countries try to attract tourists with their traditions and things that others don’t have. Britain is the best when it comes to that. Even though England is a member of the EU, it is very original with all it has. Everything is different in England; starting from the currency and …
read moreHowever, it seems as though the Armenian village Aygepar and the Azeri village Alibeyli located on the border of the two states are two different planets. The war between the two people of the villages didn’t take long, but they have suffered and still suffer the consequences. Filming has been sponsored by the Catholic Relief …
read moreThe “Golden Apricot “international film festival paid a tribute to Tonino Guerra, the real miracle worker in world cinema. When we say “movie legend”, we often wait to hear the name of someone spectacular. But Tonino Guerra is first of all a poet, just like a real genius should be. He can make any topic …
read moreThe “Golden Apricot” film festival has started with a ritual of blessing the apricots for three years now. During this festival, Armenia invites famous film producers to Armenia and treats them with apricots-something that is never subject to political, social and economical changes. The presentation and the opening ceremony of the “Golden Apricot” festival was …
read moreThe “Golden apricot” film festival will kick off on July 10 and it’s already dealing with serious problems. According to Susanna Harutyunyan, all broadcasts of the festival, except some short news broadcasts, will feature the “VivaCell” advertisements. “VivaCell” is the general sponsor for the festival. What we don’t know is just how much “VivaCell” is …
read moreThis year, well-known poet, writer and film scenarist Tonino Guerra will be one of the honorable guests at this year’s “Golden Apricot” film festival. Guerra is author of numerous films and a movie legend. He has worked with Federico Felini, Michaelangelo Antonioni, Vitorio de Sica and Andrey Tarkovski. He has also been one of Sergey …
read moreIt seemed as though the “Golden Apricot” film festival organizers were relieved when they found out that “Viva Cell” was going to be the general sponsor. After all, the 50 million AMD from Armenia’s state budget wouldn’t be enough to take care of the expenses. However, five days before the opening ceremony, the event organizers …
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