Lawyer in prison


The residents of Byuzand street suffered another blow. A lawyer was arrested for defending four families living on Byuzand street and he was the most active out of all the defenders. The residents of Byuzand street, who are dependent on the state subsidy, are being kicked out of their homes because the state plans on …

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The cartoonist’s moral phrase: “Falsification during elections is saint”


Which program is high-quality and is best for television viewers? It is when the hosts ask questions and give answers that society doesn’t even know about. Which program has the lowest quality? The one where the viewer knows the answers to the questions but the audience answers incorrectly. But there is also the average of …

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Six families left on the streets


From now on, Astghik Hovhannisyan’s two children will come from school and see that they no longer have a place to call home. On September 30 of this year, about forty officials and policemen took the family out of its home. The six member family is being removed by order of the court. The residents …

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City For Sale


The Mayor of Echmiadzin has sold the premises of the city’s Folk History Museum after giving assurance that the city property would not be among properties being let in a series of business deals swung by the mayor. As previously reported in ArmeniaNow Mayor Hrachik Abgaryan has been criticized by some residents of Echmiadzin for …

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Artistic Felons?: Armenian Couple Charged With Crimes In Russia For Exhibit On Religion


If painters Narine Zolyan and Harutyun Zulumyan were in Moscow now, the wife and husband would likely be sitting in a court dock as defenders. The artists are facing criminal charges for an exhibition they put on last year in Russia. The exhibition, entitled “Beware, Religion!” featured the work of 40 painters from several countries, …

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Culture For Sale: Etchmiadzin Libraries And Kindergartens Targets Of Controversial Real Estate Deals


Books in three libraries in Etchmiadzin are being bundled up to be taken to a kindergarten. There are no libraries for the books anymore, because the Mayor’s Office decided to sell two libraries and turn a third into a dance hall. The three libraries will become one, in the kindergarten building. The buildings of another …

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Adjusting: Teacher Becomes The Student Of Rural Ways In City Life


In all of her 54 years, Russian language teacher Silva Martirosyan has never known rural living. She lives in the town of Tchambarak and for most of her life “farming” was a matter of going to the market. But a lot of lives continue to change as Armenia moves from what it was to whatever …

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The Empty Grave: “This Is My Permanent Home”


Seroj is one of the very few people in Akhalkalak who has two homes: one in this life-on Rustavel street- and the other at the Akhalkalak cemetery. As he likes to say: “I live in this world and the other world.” He takes each guest to the cemetery. He has built two graves for himself …

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Disowned: “Only I and the Lord Love My Children”


Ashken, her daughter Tsovinar, and four grandchildren eat sausage, cheese, boiled meat on days when there are funerals at the cemetery nearby their home in the town of Aragatsavan. It is an Armenian custom to toast the dead with a shot of vodka and “oghormatas” (rest in peace), at the graveside. Mourners typically bring food …

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Sona: “I Gave Up My Soul … and Live Underground.”


Because of an illness, Sona Davtyan, 39, grew old right away and she can hardly move. Her stomach is swollen, fluid seeps into it. People mock her as if she were pregnant. “Water collects, my stomach gets swollen, it becomes even more swollen in the evening. I drink about a bucket of water,” she says. …

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