Mobile exhibition about world beauty

21/11/2005 Nune HAKHVERDYAN

It has already been one month since the photos of photographer Yan Artus-Bertran (from France, but was born in Poland), which are taken from helicopters, are shown in Yerevan. This photo collection is expresses the beauty of our planet. Usually the photos of Yan Artus-Bertran are shown in open air, twenty four hours a day and it is free to visit his galleries in open air. His photos are big and you have to keep in distance from them to have a look. One of his big pink pictures looked like a coral reef, but when I came up to it I saw that there were a lot of small flamingos in the picture. The fact that his pictures are big let people see each minor detail. “When you look down from the sky you can note all small things and understand small details of our lives, nature and cultures better”, -said Yan Artrus-Bertran. His photos look like Eastern carpets are actually photos of English gardens. The view that you see in distance and when you come up closer to these photos may often be different. But you can see the beauty only at a distance. This is a very philosophical project. These photos were taken in different places in the world in 30-4.000 meters high distance. It took about 4000 flying hours for the photographer to take these photos. About five million people have visited his exhibitions. These pictures of different cultures, traditions and other things make us think about the future of our planet. The symbol of “The planet from the sky” project is a picture taken in New Caledonia. In one of the photos there was a heart which appeared in the forest; a heart as a result of land salting. It is very beautiful, but makes us worry about what this salting may lead to. The most important thing for the author is the reaction of his visitors. He likes to make exhibitions in open air so asto make people that pass by stop and see what they haven’t seen before. “The planet from the sky” exhibition is not in open air in Armenia, but it is always full of people. Mostly students and school pupils visit this exhibition. Some pictures are shown in relief form in Yerevan so blind people or people who don’t see well can touch and feel those pictures. These relief pictures of Yan Artus-Bertran were taken by Arthur Mickleane (he is originally from Armenia). People that don’t see since they were born feel quite different things when they touch the relief pictures with their fingers. People look at these photos, read information about them and think that these pictures are the most impressing and beautiful pictures that have ever existed during the globalization period.