Today the RPA will hold the 13th congress at Sport & Concert Complex after K. Demirchyan. Recently this event has been so mush discussed and spoken about as if it would make any changes in the country. In reality another large and splendid congress will be held by the ruling party where it will be spoken about the activities of RPA, about how difficult it is to carry “the heavy burden of authority” and about how the party always “honorably completes its missions”. These speeches, as well as the storm of applause and exited welcome speeches will be widely broadcasted on TV for several days and even weeks. After the congress the RPA will “elect” new executive body which has been well known to everybody long ago. In a word, everything remains the same as in soviet times. Most of the RPA members probably remember the soviet days with nostalgia. By the way, the poster “13th congress of RPA” written in capital letters is very symbolic first of all because of superstitious beliefs about the number 13. Secondly, in soviet times the congresses and plenums of the Central Committee were announced in the same way; nowadays only funny and theatrical events are posted in the same manner.