“There cannot be undiscoverable crimes. It is impossible. There are crimes that are difficult or easy to discover, or it takes more time to discover. Only in one situation a crime may stay undiscovered, when the prosecutor, investigator and police are scoundrels and manipulate a case to pull on somebody. I am even more surprised to see people demanding with the opposition, whose cases were investigated ten years ago, when the chief responsible person was Gagik Jhangiryan. There are people with the opposition who ask why their cases have failed to be discovered and why 20 investigators were changed in one case,” said deputy minister of defense Vladimir Gasparyan. He also said the following: “There are people who simply tell me that their son has gone mad and they cannot turn it back, but it would be good if they could drive a black Volga. What should I say? Let them go and think about it. If you don’t give them a black Volga, they take part in demonstrations. Yes, there are parents like that too.”