According to national statistics, the level of unemployment in Armenia is 8.3%. The number of unemployed at the end of September was 91.7 thousand. According to official data, there are 1 million 209 thousand people secured with jobs. Unemployed women form 70.5%. The largest number of unemployed is in the 31-50 age group (70%). A quarter of unemployed people have a high school education, while 14.2% are university graduates. The 7.9% mark for unemployment is not considered to be unusual. Even developed countries register similar unemployment marks. There are two reasons for registering this mark of unemployment in Armenia: the statistical and social services do not register unemployment in small residencies of villages and cities. Despite age and level of education, villagers are considered to be people who have something to do. Secondly, due to the small subsidy given to the unemployed and the short deadline (only three months), citizens do not believe that it is right to consider them unemployed as a rule.