The earth is in the phase of the Christmas holidays. In our childhood these days were used to wait for Santa Claus (or Winter Grandfather). Later we understood that they don’t exist. But I think that this miracle, the feeling of waiting stays for the entire life. If it is, let’s speak about aliens and their civilizations that may exist. It is the right time to speak about it as the Internet is full of information about “three big spaceships approaching the earth”. The 168 Hours has interviewed writer and expert of space civilizations Roman Smirnov.
– Recently you were invited to take part in a show as an expert of space civilizations on the air of TB-3 TV channel. What does it mean “expert of space civilizations?” Are there many civilizations?
– Being an expert of UFO’s is as cloudy as the UFOs are. There are different groups of people who are dealing with this issue. Among them there are researchers, scientists, and now as well as politicians. However, there no common approach concerning this issue. There are many different opinions concerning UFOs, most of which are baseless. One can assure something about them only if there are facts of contact with them. So far we have only verbal facts from witnesses or maximum photos in blurry night environments with an unclear light. As for the space civilizations, I will cite a word from the Contact movie (Jodie Foster). One of the actors says, “The space is so big that it would be useless to waste that space in vain”. He meant the plurality of worlds and civilizations.
– Have you ever been in contact with anything from that part of the space? For example, in 1970s I saw a long light in the mountains of Armenia, which slowly went up and disappeared. This object was occupying the half of the sky, stayed there for almost one hour and then disappeared leaving a grey trace. The place where I saw is prohibited for planes or other flying objects. In several years after that I read the article of docent Zigel about UFOs, and I understood that the object with the long light can be considered a UFO. Has anything like this happened to you?
– I think yes, as the majority of the people have been in such contact except for the ones who have been in such contact for a long time and at a professional level. I have seen something which is very hard to explain with the information we have, but I cannot assure that these were aliens for sure because I cannot prove it.
– There are various opinions about UFOs. Which of these concepts do you think are trustworthy? What can indirectly prove that space civilizations exist?
– Indirect proofs are met often, especially in the history. In the ancient history there are evident gaps and facts connected with the third Reikh and their trip to the coasts of the Antarctic. Or, for example, how can you explain the opening of a new position in the UN for a specialist in charge of contact with other civilizations (this means that the UN agree with the fact that other civilizations exist). If we look closely to the facts, we will find more things that need explanation. We can connect it with the fact that we are not informed much, we don’t have sufficient knowledge, the theology, but the fact is that we have to also discuss the theory of UFOs.
– Is the suspension of the project with the Moon connected with that too? As far as I know this project has been suspended.
– Yes, strange things are happening to the moon; it has happened both before and now. In the beginning the Americans decided to return to the Moon, but now the passion is over, even though the NASA is actively preparing the technical facilities to work on the surfaces of other space objects. We will see whether it will be the Moon or another object. The project of the Moon is suspsicious from the economic point of view. It seems that we don’t know the reasons why different researches are conducted in the space. Nowadays the competition for being the first is slower and the flights to the space are not economically justified.
– Scientist Hawkins has warned the humanity about the danger of contact with other civilizations and he assures that we may meet aggression on their part, which may annihilate us. What do you think about such opinion?
– Stephen Hawkins is a genious. But I think we cannot make assumptions how the aliens may behave. We are trying to apply the human logic on their behavior, which may be wrong. We don’t know about their thinking, the logic, processes and priorities. For that reason I think we should not surely announce about the danger on part of aliens. It is also wrong to assert that their intentions are peaceful. What is the world, war or peace for them? What is good or bad for them? We don’t know the answers to these questions.
– I want to ask you a direct question. Do you believe that other civilizations exist?
– The belief in UFOs, Buddah, Christ and other devine beginnings is just a belief which is not based on facts. In fact the space is rational. This rationalism means that the intellect is not given to the human beings only. Will the intellect and rationalism disappear from the space if we disappear too? This assertion seems to be illogical.
– Can we say that some representatives of the humanity have entered in contact with super-developed representatives from the space but they are keeping this information in secret? May the humanity develop rapidly and make discoveries due to this contact with these developed civilizations?
– Such opinion may exist, especially if many processes on the planet still need to be explained. We cannot explain certain things other ways but participation of the representatives from the space. The leaks of confidential information from the special services show that the governments of certain countries may be in contact or may possess technological facilities of aliens. However, I don’t think the leaders of the countries of the planet are smart enough, thus the technological boom you said could be the initiative of the aliens you said, even it can be an experiment on people as ”rabbits” without the agreement of these rabbits.