The RA Ministry of Culture in the person of its minister Hasmik Poghosyan and the movie committee formed by her allotted 19 million AMD for shooting a film, which doesn’t have a scenario or a plot. And I mean this in the literal meaning of the word. The conditional name of the film is “Walnut Tree or Beech or the Army Commander” and within the society it’s known by the title “Mishik’s film.” They mean the actor Michael Poghosyan, who in this case is considered as a phony scenario writer. The mentioned honored actor was able to “grab” some money from the state, which will be filmed not based on a plot but by impromptu and by the principle “we’ll see how that goes.” This story, which has quite interesting nuances, is quite outstanding because of the publicized data of the Ministry of Culture, according to which the budget of the film is 187 million AMD, a part of which Poghosyan was able to “get” from some Diaspora Armenians. The rest of the money, as Poghosyan mentioned at various occasions, he is planning to get from the authorities of the NKR. The thing is that the theme of the film to a certain extent relates to the theme of Karabakh and he hopes that he won’t be refused. By the way, Poghosyan once mentioned among her loyalists that once he gets the money he’s going to buy land in Ashtarak perhaps to plant beech or walnut tree. And in order to receive a response to the question as to why the state allots this much money for the conduct of such meaningless projects we probably have to seek in the biography of the ministers of culture of the past 12 years. They really like Karabakh and Karabakhis; really once every 4 years – from election to election.