“Museum nights”


If in Armenia May 9 is celebrated as the day of the WWII victory and the liberation day of Shushi, in over 40 countries of Europe this day is known as the day of Europe. Sixty years ago, on May 9, 1950, the French foreign affairs minister Robert Schuman presented a project for the purpose of stopping the wars in Europe and making peace. For the purpose of testing the project they launched the French-German coal production, which was aimed at preventing the development of military production. The proposal, which is known as the declaration of Schuman, established the “European community of coal and iron”, which was the beginning of the European Union. Due to the EU’s efforts in the recent years the Day of Europe is celebrated in Armenia as well. The cultural initiative initiated by the ministry of culture of France named “Museum night” is organized in Armenia as well within the framework of the “Day of Europe”. For this purpose the EU delegation to Armenia, the Armenian representation of DVV International organized a music festival in Armenia. The geography of the festival has enlarged and now besides the capital city it is organized in Vanadzor and Gyumri as well. The project launched in December 2008. The project is implemented within the framework of the EU’s “Investment in people for availability of culture, protection of cultural plurality and development”. The project is implemented in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Russia. The project is sponsored by the European Commission and the German economic cooperation and development ministry (BMZ).

The Budget of the program amounts to 55.000 Euros. By the way, 495.000 Euros are provided by the European Commission and 55.000 are provided by the BMZ. And the duration of the program is 30 months. During the evening of the Musical Festival dedicated to the Day of Europe, which took place on May 14 in the house museum of Aram Khachatryan, the head of the EU delegation in Armenia Raul de Lucenberger signified the idea, which built grounds for the establishment of the Day of Europe, which more accurately said is aimed at the fulfillment of the formation of peace, which is the main policy adopted by the European Union. He once again emphasized that one of the goals of the program is to support the key role of the art via the active cooperation of cultural and public institutes aimed at conducing to the strengthening of the dialog. Raul de Lucenberger also signified the strengthening of the capacity of the staffs of the cultural and educational institutes of Caucasus and Russia to ensure that the museums turn into active regions of research. The speech of the head of the EU delegation of Armenia was followed by the wondrous song of the Aram Khachatryan trio. The trio gave a symbolic finish to the event dedicated to the Day of Europe held in the museums by playing one of the pieces of Aram Khachaturyan.