The society of Armenia has not been able to feel the impact of the gas price increase, and now the Yerevan Water company is preparing a surprise for the citizens of Yerevan and surrounding communities. The latter has applied to the committee in charge of regulating the public services with an appeal to increase the prices of water supply starting from April 1. The Yerevan water company wants to increase the price from 181 up to 207 drams. Most possibly the committee will approve the price, but of course it will take into account the interests of citizens and will define the price not at 207 but at 202 or 203. As a rule the committee does not reject such applications or proposals submitted by foreign companies. While the committee is busy with the discussion of the water prices, the petroleum price is growing as well. Yesterday the price of one liter was higher by 10 drams. It is clear that these are the first factors of growth of prices in the country; even the government officials say that the price growth may be higher than the forecast level. The government is not doing anything to resist the tendency of growth of prices as it is in the interests of the oligarchs under the umbrella of the government. Maybe the reason is that they believe there will be no riots or discontent in Armenia.