Tolerant barbarianism


Several days ago in Yerevan a 9th grade student of secondary school #67 Sos Melkonyan was cruelly killed with a knife. According to the press release of the police an unknown person has broken into the apartment of the Melkonyans and stabbed a 13-year old boy with a kitchen knife. According to another statement of the police on November 23 an unknown person has raped an 8-year old girl in park Monument. Unfortunately after paging the statements of the police, one may see many such cases. Even the statistics show a terrible picture. During the first 9 months of this year 155 cases of crime against teenagers were registered. The cases include three cases of rape and 29 other crimes of sexual manner. The more terrible this picture is the more worrying the indifference of the society is. In normal countries the societies make certain noise and express their worries to such violent cases of crime. The TV channels speak about those cases, debates and discussions are held to find out the reasons of such crimes. And for the government these cases become top important in terms of investigation. However, our society relates to such cases of barbarianism as another piece of information. And the government is saying eloquent words about the “already overcome intolerance.”