With this publication the 168 Hours, in support of the European Commission, is starting series of publications aimed at presenting Armenia’s relations with the European values and family. Every month on last Friday the 168 Hours will cover the level of involvement of European institutions in state and society sectors, projects implemented by the Armenian government and civic society representatives in support of such institutions and generally the role of Europe in Armenia. The mentioned series of articles will cover both informative publications and ideas of both local and European experts concerning different issues. The topics will be selected according to the level of importance in the framework of Armenia’s cooperation with Europe. The purpose of the European Window series of articles is to make information about Europe, European Policy and priorities concerning developing countries, Armenia as well, available to readers. What are the practical benefits of Armenia’s integration with Europe? What are the short-term and long-term goals? Certainly we will also focus on the European Eastern Partnership project, which will shift the relations between Armenia and the EU to a new level. What are the roles of European institutions and Europe in supporting democratic freedoms and institutions in Armenia? How will affect the changes, which seem to be mere declarative from first glance, on the lives of ordinary citizens of Armenia? What are the perspectives of life quality improvement and economic development as a result of the Euro-integration process? What problems does Europe have now? What are the challenges of Europe and European countries? What are the ways for fighting such challenges jointly? In every publication of the European Window articles we will try to find answers to the above mentioned questions.
This supplement has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The content of this supplement is the sole responsibility of “168 Hours” Newspaper and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union