Which is fair?


The pre-election lists submitted to the Central Electoral Commission for the upcoming May 31 mayoral elections in Yerevan contain names of many artists and people, who are known as intelligentsia representatives. Furthermore, such intelligentsia representatives are mostly the ones who have been actively involved in pre-election campaigns in the past and advocated for the pro-government parties or presidential candidate. The same thing is done with the city council members elections as well. Even though there are intelligentsia representatives in all proportional lists of political parties, the RPA pro-government party is the first one with the number of intelligentsia representatives in the pre-election list. By the way, these people have better places in the RPA list than the incumbent heads of Yerevan communities. We wander whether the names of these people are not used for the purposes of replacing them with sons of community heads or “big fathers” after winning the election. Certainly the intelligentsia representatives running for community council say that they have already started making development projects for Yerevan, but it does not inspire credibility. In this case it is better to have names of intelligentsia representatives in the pre-election lists than names of people with nicknames or their sons. However it will be good only if they don’t give their places to others after being elected. Otherwise they will be worse and more dangerous for the society than their actions during the presidential pre-election campaign to advocate for the pro-government candidate.