Number one economic partner


In Armenia the phrase “Schengen visa” is considered the first requirement of entering Europe. In the society the mentioned visa is considered as an opportunity of free travel in the EU states and therefore an opportunity to do free business. However, despite the current strict regulations of visa issuance the EU still has a great importance in terms of trade for Armenia. The EU-Armenia economic relations started in 1991, right after the independence of Armenia. It’s worth mentioning that in those relations the prevailing element was the provision of financial, technical and humanitarian aid on part of the EU – since 1991 the support of the European Commission to Armenia amounted to 380 million Euros. The humanitarian aid amounted to approximately 120 million Euros and had conduced to the relief of the hard situation formed in Armenia ever since 1991. Only the financial means provided to Armenia in the framework of the TACIS and Food Provision programs amounted to 200 million Euros. Since the independence of Armenia the TACIS contributed Armenia in the transition of market economy. Mostly this support was in the judicial and regulatory fields though helping Armenia become a member of the World Trade Organization.


This supplement has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The content of this supplement is the sole responsibility of “168 Hours” Newspaper and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union