Putin is the Russian people’s father


The first phase of Putin’s plan concerning elections came true on Sunday. According to preliminary information, “Yedinaya Rossia” party headed by Putin was given 63% of votes. The second place was taken by the Communistic Party – 12%. The other two parties that have overcome the barrier of 7% are indirectly controlled by Putin too. Liberal-Democratic party of Vladimir Zhirinovski received 8,5 %, and “Fair Russia” party, which is headed by the Russian parliament upper chamber president Sergey Mironov, received 8 %. In a word, we may say that Putin has received the status of the “people’s father”, which has been campaigned in Russia during the past years. It is natural that in such situation the independent powers were up to losing. Certainly, the Russian elections are very important for Armenia since it is our strategic partner and we are their outpost in the region. Thus, this time we are not lucky either since the outpost of a country, which is governed by a monarch and authoritarian leadership, depends on the wish of that monarch. It is the way it happened along with the “close relations between Armenia and Russia during many centuries”.