As September 1 is coming and as still I have fresh summer holiday
memories, and as I know from early childhood, that the best way to
leave the summer thoughts and get into the mood of Septmeber is to
write a free subject composition, I decided to write about the beauty
of our country this time, or rather I decided to continue some
thoughts, which I left unfinished in my previous articles. Unfinished,
because in the previous article I discussed the subject of toursim,
paying attention to the substructures imperfection, which are important
for the economy. Now, paying attention to the fact, that this edition
will be issued on September 1, I want to praise our country,
approximately by saying “My wanderful country, so beautiful you are!”,
but instead of this comes out something different: “what the hell is
the country?”. It is clear to everyone, that it has “high sky” and
patriotic accessories like that. But what is our country? And what we
mean by saying “our country”?
Once I tried to state what it is, saying, that our country is our
outlook, the appearance, at which we had to look and which, probably,
had to look at us. I have the same opinion now too, because I haven’t
thought about anything else, which would be more capacious, and which
would cover the time, the space, the places of colours and the shade
On the way to Jermouk, one of my friends looking at the mountains
said: “Our authorities do their best to make people leave, but our
mountains do everything to make people stay”.
“That is why our authorities do their best to spoil our
envirenment”,- I continued his idea, being sure, that I had said
something very clever. Now I think that this idea can not be clever,
because it is very simple. The authorities are to make our lives as “in
the paradise”, and we know, there are a lot of paradises in the world,
where our countrymen stand in the queues close to the doors leading in.
Let’s leave the authorities policy of spoiling the envorenment. The
problem is that we do our best to make the paradises in other places be
more attractive than ours, we do our best to stop liking our nature and
environment. In order to leave this country without suspect and once,
when returning here as tourists say, that the envorenment is clean in
other paradises, that the people in other paradises are more
intelligent (included those, who left our country and went there) and
that after eating they clean everything in packs and take them to
And now, when I remember the wanderful days of my holiday spent in
Tavush, I come to the conclusion, that we were lucky, that the 200.000
or more tourists that suppose to come here in connection with 1700-th
anniversary of adopting Christianity in Armenia as national religion
didn’t come. Do you understand what would happen? About 200.000
thousand people, being foreign armenians or foreigners, doesn’t matter,
would come here and take impressions about the garbage in the
envorenment and nature of our biblical country.
You may ask why only the garbage? Of course not only the garbage. They
would take also the wanderful impressions about the unique architecture
of our churches and temples, the carvings on our Khachkars
(crosstones), the charm of the variuos colours and shade on our
mountains, which change several times a day. But the worst thing is
that, together with our architecture, the originality of our
crosstones, our nature specifity, they would meet garbages everywhere
which would image our national quality, running over the cultural
In the soviet times the presence of garbage everywhere and the grime
was intepreted as a result of the fact (though for the men of sense
this is not justification), that everything was state-owned. There was
a situation, that everything belonged to everyone, but nothing belonged
to anyone. And people said: “I wish everything were private, and the
situation would not be so”. Now it is the time of private property, but
nothing has changed. I.e has changed, but not in the way we would like
to. Everything that was public disappeared. I.e. in order to take care
of the headache, they cut the head. And now if you ask why the Aghstev
valley is so dirty (on the other hand there is noone to ask), the
authorities will make a decision to sell this place to an oligarch too,
later the oligarch will come and clean it, make a high wall there, and
set a price of 1000 AMD for each person for entering that district, so
you will have to pay about ten dollars to go there and have a little
bit rest with your family. And people will cry: “they make money from
nothing!”, thinking that there was a time when this district belonged
to them, which they spoiled by trampling the gross and the ground, by
throwing broken glasses and plastic materials everywhere, once more
time prooving, that public property is not for us.
But what do you want? The rule of internal and external mirror
reflection is fit and very logical here. The garbage thrown in Aghsti
valley or somewhere else, is the reflection of the garbage inside
ourselves. And the garbage inside ourselves comes out from radio
broadcast, philistinism, bad behaviour, jealousy and things like that.
And when already an oligarch comes, buys the district, cleans, builds a
high wall around and then takes fees from us to let us enter, then this
wall will be our internal reflection, because there is a big wall
there, on the other side of which we are very clean. This is our
private house.
Upon the beginning of the new school year, finishing my free subject
composition, I think that hardly anyone would appreciate this at school
and hardly I could get a good mark, because it is already a long time,
so far and forever, the sense of eminence and the truth are different
in ourselves.