No matter what you say I don’t believe in Soros revolutions. I don’t think that someone no matter how rich he is can manage the desires and goals of the masses of people. Perhaps he can support them by giving away some bread rolls or biscuits but that cannot create revolution if there is no inner demand. The rumors of the foreign influence are exaggerated if not groundless. These rumors are being invented for a few purposes. The first one is to create lack of trust to your own capacities, which means don’t you fuss much because everything is already decided for you. This means that Putin and Bush have already appointed your president and that there is no need to go out to the square in the wind and cold night. The other purpose is that nothing is possible without foreign support and financing. This means that deeds like this are forbidden by the law and the process is being linked with crime and amorality. This means that by doing this the reputation of the country is being humiliated in general. And if the government change in our country is being planned abroad then our sovereignty is endangered and if the state is not free then how can the vote of the citizen matter anything? I don’t know who the ones that invent these legends are but it’s quite clear to me that those act against my freedom. Apathy is the most powerful weapon but it has one peculiarity. It works against the one, who holds it. For example, they are saying Putin and Bush have already determined the borders of their influence and we have appeared in the sector of the first one. So you decide. You either state or migrate with your family away to the civilized West. Or they are saying the American satellites are carefully watching us here to ruin the stability and the good life we have. From the inside it looks something like a revolution but how can the current government, which always falsifies elections and is corrupt and constantly violates human rights, conduct positive reforms? It’s understandable that all these rumors are merely experiments. But who would ever like his children to live under those circumstances? Or they are saying that the powerful states of the world still don’t have time to resolve the Karabagh conflict. If they gather one day they can make this decision within 5 minutes whether the territories are going to Azerbaijan or staying with Armenia. Here the average citizen again doesn’t have any chance to do anything about that. It’s all up to the decision of the greatest powers of the world. There was a famous confusion during the first years of independence. People used to say that during the Soviet times Armenia was more independent because it only depended on Moscow but now we depend on many others. The main goal was not to humiliate the old system but degrade the current one. Of course we depend on many people and circumstances. There is no complete independence for any country. A few years ago the French products were being boycotted in the US and France’s economy was about to be traumatized. Now the US is facing the same – support the Armenian Genocide Resolution and lose a powerful ally like Turkey or ignore the crime made against humanity for their own goals. Free elections enable to easily and shamelessly manage all kinds of factors of dependence. If you are elected by the free will of people and are considered a legitimate leader you will give the Russian share to Russia and the American one to the US. But if you get elected with fraud and violations you become an outpost manger and don’t have opportunities. So you should do what your master says.