Professor of Italian literature, translator, and novelist Antonia Arslan confesses that she’s written the “Lark Farm” novel based on the memories and stories of her relatives. The family of Arslanyan, which migrated from Kharberd, has set out to live in Italy by establishing new roots and trying to maintain the old memories. The search for Armenian roots has always given an inspiration to Ms. Arslan, which she always needed so much. “Only by realizing that I’m Armenian was I able to obtain peace and live like an Italian,” she said. Antonia Arslan visited Yerevan to participate in the Golden Apricot Festival and the presentation of the film, which was shot based on Antonia’s “The Lark Farm” novel.
The festival was launched by first showing the film “The Lark Farm.” The meaning and the message of the book or the film is not important to anyone. It is important to involve a personage of a wild Turk; it does not matter what other personages there are. They already have the prize of the president of Armenia. The Taviani brothers can be proud of their film, as the “The Lark Farm” is the treasure of the fourth Golden Apricot. By the way, they got the prize for this film, the awarders of the prize think, for their significant contribution to the recognition of the Armenian genocide. However, as soon as we get acquainted with the film by the Taviani brothers, we find out that it contradicts the unwritten Armenian concept of the recognition of the genocide and Turkish-Armenian relations in general. With their film, the Taviani brothers demolished some of our traditional ideas, which are not only ideas, but also cornerstones of the “national identity” for the Armenians. The film is about the mutual feeling of the Armenian girl and the Turkish soldier, which is referred to by most people as love. But didn’t the Tavianis know that it is not customary for Armenians to love a Turkish soldier? What does it mean to love a Turk? Well, let her love once, but in the same film the girl falls in love with a second Turk. It is already too much. How can one love two Turks in one film? Meanwhile, this film not only gets the prize of the president but also a greater part of the tearful opening of the festival is devoted to it. It is devoted to a film which razes to the ground the invincible image of the Armenian woman, showing how they enter the tents of the Turkish soldiers while migrating, for sex in return for a piece of bread for their children. How could an Armenian woman do such a thing? Meanwhile, we were taught that Armenian women would prefer to plunge into a gorge but would never have an affair with a Turk. The classic Armenian patriotism had never undergone such a strong blow before. “The Lark Farm” not only presents the tragic history of Armenians, but also gives the Turks an opportunity to objectively review their history. The Taviani brothers said that they wish to show the film in Turkish schools. Arslan said that on April 22 the Turkish “Hurriet” newspaper had interviewed her, which turned out to be a very mild and correct dialogue.
“I am not a historian, only a storyteller”
Antonia Arslan is a professor of Padova University and has established the Lark Farm bungalow in Padova, which is located in Anatolia, which had originally been full with Armenian laughter and memories, but later turned into tragedy.
– The bottom-line of the movie is the image of the young Armenian girl – Nunik. She’s is the only Armenian that tries to rebel and even fight against unfairness, but dies in the end. Is she the most sympathetic one for you?
– The film and the novel are quite different. The film maintains a few traits of the script and I understand that it should be that way. The Tavianis have changed the names of the heroes. Nunik has an honest name and she’s not the main heroine. The main heroes are her grandfather and grandmother – Smbat and Shushan. The prototype of Smbat is my grandpa, Yervand Arslanyan, whose memories I have used in my novel.
– All your Armenian heroes are quite simple and kind. That’s why it’s more interesting to follow the internal conflicts of Turkish personage. Is this done on purpose?
– I accept that all my Armenian heroes are positive. I understand that in history there probably were negative people and traitors as well. But when you are remembering the past you only want to write about the good things and people.
– The theme of recovering the national identity of the nation and the fatherland has been very often used in novels and films. This topic also creates illusions. Are those illusions necessary, or are maybe concrete steps necessary?
– I will answer with the lines of Daniel Varoujan. In Italy, my translations of his poems, which I consider very beautiful and touching, have been published. “I hope some day to find my lost fatherland, where my lost soul is crying.” I am sure that all the Armenians worldwide will some day find their fatherland in a more concrete way. The idea of a fatherland is a very real one, and it is the dream of all of us to find it. This dream is not an illusion but a concrete place for us to be.
– The Lark Farm is rich with melodramatic stories. Are the love and family stories autobiographies?
– Mostly yes. I am not a historian; I only write stories. And the basis of stories is always the destiny of individuals. Being a professor of literature, I have always surveyed the structure of the novel. The novel as a genre has its rules, and I tried to follow those. Writing a novel was a necessity for me, something I had to do.
– During the film we often hear the “Ov sirun-sirun” (oh beautiful, beautiful) song. Was it your or the film directors’ idea to use it in the film?
– My aunt Anriette, who survived the genocide, has never spoken about it. She avoided telling us about the horrible facts, which she had personally witnessed. But she has always sung for us the “Ov sirun-sirun” song. I thought this song could transfer well what she’d been through and her memories. This song is perfectly sung by Varduhi Karakhanyan in the movie.
– Do you agree that the Diaspora will sooner or later assimilate, because it cannot maintain traditions and history for very long?
– The answer is this. Every person finds and lives his/her life in his/her own way. The Armenian community in Italy is quite small. There are only 2000 Armenians living among 50 million Italians. And I am sure that these 2000 people will be assimilated because of their small numbers. Everything depends on the inner requirement of the identity. But don’t forget that Italy also has a Diaspora, and millions of Italians now live in America or Australia. They have the same issue as the Armenian Diaspora. I am aware of the issues of the Diaspora, both as an Italian and an Armenian. Let me use the example of my family. We are 5 sisters and brothers. Two of my sisters have chosen the Italian identity. One of my brothers considers himself an Armenian and maintains Armenian values. He has even established a church choir and serves at Armenian services at one of the Padova churches. And my late brother Carlo and I have always emphasized the issues of identity, and it seems we have been searching for ourselves since childhood. When I was young I very much wanted to study in the Mourad Rafaelyan school of Venice, but my dream didn’t come true, because as you know only Armenian boys can study there.
– Can the current Armenia, which is in a quite difficult state right now, become a center to unite Armenians worldwide? Let’s not forget that we don’t have a sea in Armenia like Italians do, and people live in a much more difficult way.
– In my opinion, Armenia is already the center of uniting all the Armenians worldwide. Perhaps you don’t realize it here, but we give more significance to it. Anyone who lives in the Diaspora, and has Armenian blood in the veins, feels great pride in his/her country. A few decades ago it wasn’t like that. Many people avoided mentioning their Armenian ancestry. We are a living nation unlike some old ones, which were destroyed.
– How did you see the current Armenia?
– Very beautiful. If you wish to speak about difficulties, try to compare Armenia to other CIS countries. Everything will become clear.
Isn’t it by suffering that one becomes good?
French actor Cheki Carion, who is of Jewish descent, noted that the role has been very interesting for him, because being Jewish he carries the sufferings of his nation in his heart.
– The message of this film is more than just revenge. The purpose of the film is to create a dialogue between the viewers and the heroes of the film. The human being is always looking for chaos and trouble. But he/she must realize that it’s also necessary to fight against those. The fate of thousands of people is always in the hands of the government and the ones who have power. These groups are ready for crimes and violence.
– Whose role would you choose? The Turk’s or the Armenian’s?
– I agree that the images of the Turkish heroes are full of internal drama, and the embodiment of dramatic images is more interesting. But it’s not up to me. I should also mention that it took me awhile to realize that being a Jew was just not enough for being a good man. It’s not only about suffering to become a good person. The good and the bad are two poles, among which the person is one.
– Antonia Arslan told us that the Americans have compared this film with the film of the American filmmaker Steven Spielberg, named “Schindler’s List”. May it have that much success?
– The success will come only when the young Armenian and Turk start to normally talk to each other. Spielberg’s movie has been crucial for me, as he invited me to play one of the main roles, but than decided to use a younger actor. And as a matter of fact I was filmed in a movie that tells an Armenian story, not a Jewish one.