Yesterday the Committee on Regulating Public Services (CRPS) corroborated the 2007-2009 three-year investment program of “ArmRusGazArd”, which anticipates an investment of 68,2 billion AMD. Most part of that investment – 40.3 billion AMD the company is planning to implement in 2007. During yesterday’s CRPS session, the head of the investment department of “ArmRusGazArd”, Abgar Budaghyan announced that the main directions of the investment of the company are going to be the expansion and recovery of gasification, which anticipates an expenditure of 58.7 billion AMD investment. Also, 5 billion out of this money is going to be allotted to building underground gas reservoirs. The director of the gas company, Karen Karapetyan said that the company is planning to find investment means due to additional emission of stocks, which all the stock companies can take part in.