How much are they getting?


The “Komsomolskaya Pravda” newspaper has gotten information from different sources and listed the salaries of the authority figures worldwide. Based on that information, the Prime Minister of Singapore Li Sian Lun receives 50,000 dollars monthly. Vladimir Putin gets 168,000 rubles (approximately 6,200 dollars). U.S. President George Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Dzyunitiro Koidzumi both receive five times that amount-33,500 dollars and 31,200 dollars respectively.

“Even Ukrainian President Ushchenko earns 300 dollars more than Putin,” writes the KP, however, Putin earns more than Georgian President Sahakashvili, who earns 2,400 dollars.

“In Europe, President of Ireland Mary Macalis earns the highest salary-29,700 dollars, while Prime Minister of Great Britain Tony Blair comes in second with 28,600 dollars.”

The President of Armenia earns nearly 1000 dollars, but the newspaper doesn’t mention that.