The by-laws on the newly established “Alliance” party of Samvel Babanyan state that Armenia should keep good relations with NATO, but should prohibit the allocation of military bases. According to member of the political board of “Alliance” party, Andranik Tevanyan, this concerns Russian military troops as well. Furthermore, Mr. Tevanyan says that all Southern Caucasus countries should be free of such military bases and that in this case other countries will look for their interests in the economies of these countries. He says that they are against the allocation of international peacekeeping troops in Karabagh as well. “If the Armenian and Azeri military powers could keep balance and didn’t restart war until now, this means that the powers are able to keep peace there and if international troops are allocated in Karabagh, there will be mistrust. If the parties can establish peace, they don’t need other countries”, said Mr. Tevanyan. Does this mean that the “Alliance” party is against the proposed Karabagh conflict resolution package deal being discussed now? Based on what Matthew Bryza said, we may assume that if this package is accepted, international peacekeeping troops will be allocated in Karabagh. “Only the current authorities can say whether this package is acceptable or not, besides that it is still being discussed. We shouldn’t speak about results when there isn’t any final document signed yet”, said Tevanyan and added that the issues of Kelbajar and Lachin couldn’t be discussed at all and said that they must not include these issues on the agenda. “If Armenians agree with one of the proposed conflict resolution package deals, we will agree with them too. And if not, our party will know how to approach this”, added A. Tevanyan.