Incident at the Kremlin


The 59th World Press Association congress and the 13th world editors’ forum will take place on June 3-7. Chief Editor of “168 Hours”, Satik Seiranyan, was the only one from Armenia invited to take part in the events. There were over 1.500 editors from over 200 countries. The opening was organized at the Kremlin by the presidents of the world editors’ forum, world press association and the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin. He came late to the hall. Just when they announced that the president of Russia was entering the hall, some people in one of the front rows of the hall started making noise: as it turned out later, they were representatives of the national Bolshevik’s party, who screamed and threw black fliers with “Putin is executioner and criminal” written on them in Russian and in English. They were screaming that Putin prohibited free speech. Later, when they were being shot on camera, the president’s bodyguards forced them out of the hall to keep them from speaking out. It is worth mentioning that it is very difficult to enter the Kremlin. They had also considered the fact that almost all representatives of the world independent mass media were in the hall at that time and would hear them making those remarks.