Yesterday the well-known German “Frankfurter Algemaine” newspaper wrote about the Armenian gas price issue and noted that due to the contract made between the Armenian Government and Russian “Gazprom” company, the opportunity of Armenia to become a little bit more independent with the help of Iran was failed. According to this newspaper Armenians are starting to criticize Russia more, which is first of all influenced by “the activities of official Moscow to have state economical and political control over Armenia”. “Both the opposition and governmental powers are disappointed about the fact that the main companies given to Russia on the basis of “property against debt” agreement don’t operate yet. Though citizens still have no hatred towards Russia, but due to the gas conflict the situation has become so extreme that the Armenian communists have started to complain about “anti-Russian hysteria””, writes the “Frankfurter Algemaine” newspaper. According to the newspaper, this agreement complies both with the interests of Russia and with the team of Kocharyan, because they are backed by the “Kremlin”. “The prices for gas will be stable during the parliamentary and presidential elections, and Armenians will not be afraid of being left without gas”, writes the German newspaper.