The owners of the pavilions of “Hrazdan” fair are complaining again about the fact that the administration has announced a price increase of the lease because now they must pay taxes. In particular, according to a tenant of a ten-square meter pavilion, he has to pay an extra 70 dollars and another 60 dollars for each employee and 10 dollars to the accountant. He was complaining that the pavilion would then cost him 670 USD, which “in conditions of such passive trade is impossible to pay.” Also, in February, the roof of the fair fell down because of the snow due to which, certain pavilions did not operate for three days and some for five days. The tenants were complaining that they had to pay for those days anyway. We were informed by the communications service of “Hrazdan” fair that there have been no problems between the tenants and the landlord. Now the roof is fixed and the fair operates as normal. According to the “Hrazdan” holding the rent prices did not increase. It is just the fact that the renting agency of the complex will not sign a contract with physical entities from now on, just legal ones. And this means that the tenants as entrepreneurs should pay some new forms of taxes. Let’s remember that “Harazdan” occupied the 132nd place among the biggest tax-payers of Armenia.