Mutual threats


The RPA and PA, which are in the same ruling coalition, have already started criticizing each other publicly. The interview of the RPA spokesman Edward Sharmazanov given to our newspaper was criticized by the RPA. In his interview Sharmazanov said he was suspicious about the slogan of the PA saying that their “word is work”. Concerning the initiative of a group of political powers, including the PA, to support full proportional system of elections the RPA spokesman said that those political powers can succeed, who follow their commitments and do what they have said. In answer to this announcement MP Naira Zohrabyan, who represents the PA coalition, said to that she would not advise Sharmazanov to take on such responsibility and make such statements. “I would advise to refrain from such statements. Otherwise we know so many classical examples of differences between commitments, words and real work, and even about the harm of inaction, that we can refer to those and say a lot of thing about it if needed. We said that we were for polite debates, but we will give an answer to any incorrect word or attempt to mar our image. I would like to remind one more time that in 2007 the general meeting of the party adopted the party platform, which writes about the necessity to hold 100% proportional system elections. Accordingly, those who are disoriented can open the party platform and read it. Now I would like to also advise to read the coalition memorandum of 2008 one more time and see who ignores it in fact. The Prosperous Armenia party has announced that we are for open and public discussion of the issue. Other MPs from the RPA have spoken about it too. I think that only open and public discussions can solve the problem. Second, we are petitioning all political powers to organize and hold debates and public discussions exclusively in a polite environment. Those who don’t follow this commitment will receive a book of information about their failure to do so. Believe me that there is n lack of facts,” said Zohrabyan. In answer to the mentioned accusations, representatives from the RP at different levels made announcements criticizing the PA, including critics about empty balloons and baseless statements. Mutual accusations and critics still continue.