– Mr. Sargsyan, the ANC has started its discussions about the proportional electoral list. What are the principles and approaches for the proportional electoral list formation?
– I would really like the society take those elections very seriously, and to observe them as the continuation of previous elections, or an ordinary process. We have reached a condition beyond which is simply impossible to go. I am also sure that the acting government realizes this thing. When the public opinion is against you, it is impossible to continue living the same comfortable life. Certainly, the election lists are very important both for the coalition and opposition. The government should show that it wants to come with a new face, and that is not the same anymore. However, it is going to be very hard for the government to change the people’s opinion in formation of that list. It is much easier for opposition, as the opposition says if I were on power we would do the following positive steps, and people accept those steps. Luckily people still believe that opposition is frank, and if opposition comes to power the existing close circle will be cut. Opposition should include the famous people of the parties into the election list, each of them- as per his/her activities, and as per their influence on society and political standpoints. All those people, who work day and night, should be included into the electoral list, carry the complaints from the society and handle the main burden of government tensions. Best of those people should by all means find their places in both majoritarian and proportional districts.
– Who will decide whether those people are the best or not, who is powerful among them, and that who is working day and night among them? Here the subjective factor may be quite high.
– Of course, it would be subjective to say about the influence of a political figure. The political figure should be able to handle both positive and negative consequences of the subjective approach. Of course the world has another method too, i.e. the method of Primaries, which acts in all the countries before elections. Unfortunately, our country is still unable to conduct elections. And the present elections are either in the scope of state order or are on payable bases, and are simply in the same variant. Our country is too far from legal Primaries. Many things depend on leaders in this situation. The leader does not mention people’s names to be either of the posts of the electoral list. In the ANC political parties also decide who to nominate among their members. Political council and the headquarters of the ANC elaborate principles, but I repeat, in the final result we meet the matter of subjectivity, which should be controlled by Levon-Ter-Petrosyan. This is natural, and the politics acts in the same way.
– Considering the matter of subjectivity, political field and the press are making predictions, that the discussions about the electoral list may either split or cause discontent in the ANC.
– I can definitely say that such danger does not exist. Yes, there are political figures in the ANC who are bright personalities. The thing about who stands before/after whom, causes problems. Those individuals became bright personalities, because they realize that becoming a deputy is not the major task, and they also know that the coming elections are one of the opportunities to save the country out from this situation. In the ANC everybody tend to support each other more than it is possible to imagine.
– You are one of those bright personalities in the ANC, and you are supposed to wish to be in one of the higher posts of the electoral list.
– My party and I have always tried to put away our own ambitions in all the political processes, and assemble around the same goal. I believe that all the political parties which cooperate with us, think this way. And this mindset has always been productive and everybody was happy evens those ones who were not inclined to give in some things. In my case I have always told that, only those people should appear in the legislative structures, are familiar with those types of activities, are able to sit and elaborate projects, and can turn the political party programs and approaches into legislations. I don’t think I am appropriate for those types of activities. I am more inclined toward industry and the executive sphere, and work in that direction with great pleasure. Once I have been an MP and have never attended any session. I don’t accept also the thing that the parliament is formed frankly and fairly. If I see people who have stolen a vote, I feel disdain for them and being in the same place with them.
– Is there a possibility that you won’t appear on the proportional list of the ANC?
– I see many people from our party that can work very well in the legislative body. I have always said that if my name can bring any dividends to the ANC I can perform both as a commander and a soldier. I am willing to take on any number on the ANC list. It is more preferable for me to be the last on the list so that I wouldn’t have to leave the list after elections. I would really wish that my approach is not considered too arrogant. I really think so.
– There is an opinion that the parties included in the ANC have certain discontent in relation to their positions on the list of the ANC. It means they want more than the ANC leadership can afford.
– Let me first say that this is a lie. There has even not been such a discussion. As of our party we have always taken less than we were proposed. I don’t know who spreads this news and why they do so. Perhaps they have other objectives and points. In reality though, we are inclined to not only win seats in the parliament but also topple the current authorities.
– Has the Congress lost its shot of brining change in Armenia in light of the Arab spring?
– Of course I personally think that we could have done much more. In general, I think that every person should know that he/she could do much more. But political forces succeed when they try to take the best from the political relevance. During that period there was political relevance. If the political forces have a potential, has public support, it can create its own relevance. A group of politicians, and I’m one of them, sees the change in the form of revolutions and also think that the revolutions bring certain flaws as well. I think that the revolution is the only way out from darkness. The French revolution indeed swallowed its best men but become one of the cornerstones of democracy. So the world moved in that direction.
– Do you think in Armenia the only way of change is through revolutions?
– The Armenian revolution should differ from the Arab spring. For example, for me the invention of the fire, was a revolution, which later was installed on rockets and the latter reached the space. And so we shouldn’t be too pessimistic and antagonistic to revolutions. The Armenian revolution shouldn’t resemble the Syrian or Libyan processes. Yes, I am a supporter of that revolution. Yes, I am a supporter of a revolution but the revolution that I mean differs from the revolution launched by Aurora. In my opinion this revolution has already taken place in the way of thinking of the humankind. And I am sure that these parliamentary elections will prove that. Even the authorities will realize that with their favorable conditions it will be impossible to live in this country.
– Is there any contradiction between you and the Congress? The Congress denies the revolutionary methods, doesn’t it? Recently you have said that the culprit of absence of changes in the country is the ANC with its political decisions.
– There have always been differences between the Republic, ANC member parties and the ANC leader. This has also been evident during the rallies. Given this fact, I still see that the people need some change. And it is natural. And the people participate in these changes only when they have hope. And the hope is projected by the parties that they approve of and sympathize. They wish to see unity between the ANC member states. This demand of the society is the most important for me. Regardless of circumstances, whether I’ll be in the party, ANC member or an independent politician, I am planning to fight for this demand.
– Are the rumors that the differences in approaches and lists are so deep that may cause the collapse of the ANC?
– There will be no circumstances that may cause the collapse of the ANC. I agree that there has been certain skepticism within the society in relation to the ANC activities. Trust me, after the elucidation of the ANC list there will be certain clarity. The ANC will start gaining units regardless of who’s on the list. These authorities have done nothing to better the life of the complaining person. And you will see that a month prior to elections the society will say that they are giving their vote to the ANC. We will make the majority in the parliament.