According to preliminary information, the elections of Ijevan mayor, which took place on Sunday, were won by PA party member Vardan Ghalumyan. His only competitor was the incumbent mayor of the city Varuzhan Nersisyan, who had been in office for more than ten years. This victory on part of the PA originated many versions and rumors and people say that the PA does not give a place to pressure and continues fighting (even though this can be a myth because everything happened with passive participation and silence on part of the authorities). In the near future it will become clear which of the discussed versions are true. On Sunday, during the elections one very interesting thing was observed too: the parliamentary and non-parliamentary powers, i.e. the ARF, Heritage and ANC have endorsed the PA’s candidate. Of course the mentioned political parties say that officially they have not endorsed Ghulumyan, but they neither reject the fact that they have in some way supported with information for the victory of the PA’s candidate. It is clear that this is not a local issue but mainly political significance issue, which in fact speaks about a new political situation. The RPA in fact will not be so much concerned of the PA’s victory in the elections (they have even officially congratulated them) but the new political situation. By the way, for the authorities the strangest thing is the ANC’s support because the ANC has not experience with the PA. The ANC is uncontrollable in terms of electoral committee members during local government elections. In fact the ANC, which has been struggling against cleptocracy, is now doing some non-formal cooperation with a part of the same political team. It is worth mentioning that Levon Ter-Petrosyan spoke about such possibility during a demonstration in October, when he called the PA as a party that was born in Armenia. Following this announcement other members of the ANC sent messages to the PA too. In fact the ANC has not only sent messages but acted too, and now the ball is in the PA’s field to play.