“Our requirement for official assurances for discovering the March 1 on part of the authorities have been satisfied, and we are accepting it as a message that the authorities are accepting our minimal package of requirements and are thinking of fulfilling the other requirements therein as well,” said ANC coordinator Levon Zurabyan to radio Liberty. In answer to question whether it is possible that all political prisoners may be released till the next rally of the opposition planned for April 28 he said that the fulfillment of all their requirements are about political will and the incumbent authorities can solve those problems within several minutes any time they want. In answer to question that if all those demands are not satisfied till April 28 may the opposition prolong the term set for fulfillment of those requirements L. Zurabyan said that they were very decisive and their three demands had to be fulfilled. Otherwise, he assures that they have exit plans and they know what to do in concrete situations, to the extent of organizing 24-hours demonstrations.