Economic crisis is not a crisis of brains yet

07/02/2009 Ruben ANGALADYAN

It is a fact that Armenia is a part of the deep international crisis. Our country saw what happened in Europe, Russia and Ukraine, and now is looking for ways out of this difficult situation. Europe is cutting down investments in production, construction and research, particularly in fields which “can wait.” Now Europe is looking for alternative sources of energy. In the current situation it is in the interests of Europe to press on Russia. Europe, Georgia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and even Kazakhstan would like to see Russia’s role limited. We wander whether this scheme may work and pipes may safely pass through the countries which don’t have common interests. Turkey and Georgia are transit countries. It is not clear whether Azerbaijan has enough gas resources for Europe. What is the future of energy production? What will be the configuration of energetic and other products in the new conditions of alternative energy supply? Such issues are very important and may enable Armenia not to play a short-term gas or oil game, but a long-term game with better prospective. Even more, if it is not her own game. What will we bet on if the economy directly depends on gas and oil supply? The economy still depends on supply of energetic resources unlike the fact that atomic stations are becoming more secure. On the other hand, technological innovation is rapidly growing in the world and new scientific fields are coming up. In consideration of the crisis such scientific works and achievements are becoming more important both in science and economies. There are a number of positive factors here, and the most important thing is the opportunity to look for new ways of alternative energy. A lot of institutions are involved in creating ecologically clean fields in the traditional segments of the economy (for example, in vehicle production and heating). It means that the economy will foster the process of alternative sources of energy production to become a part of the economy. Accordingly, the Armenian scientists may appear in a better position because there is much interest to alternative sources of energy. What can the state offer to scientists? The explorations of scientists can be very helpful for the state in this phase. At least the authorities will not consider the pluses of minuses. What is the alternative to interesting and modern projects? In fact there is no scientific potential in the country and there are only several good scientists (how could they stay in Armenia?), and instead of giving them an opportunity to work, the government is preventing them. We should not complain and say that the world is not fair and doesn’t see the historical truth of the Genocide, etc., while we are not fair in our country either. This is our biggest failure that collapsed all our kingdoms in the history. In other words, this is not the first time.