“Haypost” knows, but keeps in secret


“Haypost” company has found one more conflict of interests, as a result of which the company has lost AMD167mln. As a result of internal audit ordered by the management of “Haypost” the company has found out and announced that since 2001 “Haypost” has rent several trucks for the purpose of transporting cargo from Iran, Meghri, Georgia and Sadakhlo. One of the cargo transportation agreements was executed with “Kochor Telecom” limited liability company, which, according to the statement of “Haypost”, “in fact belongs to a high rank official of the RA government”. “The other contracts were executed with “HS Trans” LLC and “Araz Electronics” LLC. The facts show that, according to our information, the mentioned two companies belong to the former general director of “Haypost”. The agreements with all the mentioned three companies have been signed personally by the former general director,” reads the statement. “Haypost” has applied to the Police to institute legal proceedings to investigate the mentioned facts.