How does the elder advisor to the president on economic issues, Vahram Nersisyants, relate to the recommendation developed by the ARF to found a separate department for struggling against corruption? Answering to this question V. Nersisyants asked whether the new body would not be corrupted either. As for the ARF, the advisor recommended them to return to their course of 1890, social and democratic ideology, and instead of staying with liberal powers become their counterbalance.
Concerning the abovementioned note ARF faction member Spartak Seiranyan told us that V. Nersisyants had said as well that by becoming a social-democratic power they would be a counterbalance to the liberalists, since sometimes they may change their course and added, “It would be better to think about the logic of the suggestion more seriously when suggesting such things to a political party, furthermore, when the person that is suggesting such things is a high ranked state official”. S. Seiranyan says that, however, Mr. Nersisyants is right to say that the liberalists may sometimes change their course and do extreme things. The MP says that powers change their courses often and extreme actions are very “deep”, that is the reason why they developed a recommendation to found a separate department to struggle against corruption. The MP also told us that because of the fact that the powers change their course very often and those extreme actions are “deep” their recommendations are not followed in a duly manner and are not targeted well, even if those recommendations are approved. The MP says that the purpose of the recommendation was to resist the extreme appearance of the liberal powers and find the “golden mean”. “This is the meaning of our recommendation”, says S. Seiranyan. Concerning the note saying that instead of returning to their course of social-democratic policy they are keeping with the liberals S. Seiranyan says, “If Mr. Nersisyants is aware of the general political understandings, the decisions of political powers connected with social and economic policy, he should understand that we don’t have anything common with the liberals when developing any recommendations”. The MP says that definitely Mr. Nersisyants is not aware of the social-democratic policy of the previous century and the existing course of collaborating and implementing a social-democratic policy, otherwise he would understand that what they are doing now is done in the framework of their collaboration and the modern policy of socialism.