Military parade is a good thing. It is done to show the military capacity of a state, its power and ability to protect its security and borders. In other words, it is to encourage citizens and frighten enemies. From this point we understand the purpose of the parades that our country organized in 90s. At least, we could win the war due to the fact that after the collapse of the Soviet Union we were able to form an organized army and protect ourselves (this is the main reason that is spoken), but Azerbaijan could not do so.
Nevertheless, times change. At the beginning of 90s the international community did not care about who the winner would be since neither Armenia nor Azerbaijan were integrated in international processes and were members of the international community. Nowadays the situation is different. Now Azerbaijan is an important unit in the international energy capacity and if there is a new war, the international community will not be indifferent to the issue who the winner will be.
However, we are organizing a military parade. You see in the square the strongest army in the region with its technical units made in 70s. But please don’t worry; we have technical units that were made in 80s too (but the existence of those weapons are keep in secret as ultra modern weapons), besides that, the Azeri army is in the same situation. If it is so, why do we speak about weapons made in 70s? Just because. Just we want to show that in 70s both Russia and America were developed so much that could make photos of a gnat standing on the uniform of a soldier from the space. We also understand that the science has developed so much during these 30 years that now they can make a blood test of the gnat from the space too. In addition, please note that in case of a new war the international community will not be indifferent any more who the winner will be…
However, military parades are really very important. Small countries can successfully be secured and well protected not due to their military capacity, but due to their effective foreign policy. In other words, such countries do their best not to let the biggest countries give the analysis of the mentioned gnat to their enemies, but give it to them directly. Let’s explain the issue another way. The security of Armenia does not mostly depend on the military capacity of our state, but it more depends on who will attack us. Accordingly, it would be better not o organize a march of soldiers in the square, but a march of diplomats.
The difference is evident. In the one case you have good relations with your neighbors, economic integration and entrance to seas, in the other case you have an environment of enmity, almost full blockade and a wooden ship that has been transported through mountains. Of course, it is more romantic and looks more beautiful, but it reminds me the “Paper Scoop” of Crimean Father. No one can deny the fact that together with the soldiers that are marching near the wooden ship we have a “metallic scoop” as well. Our army used to be the best in 1918-1920 too.
It is good that there is a parade. At least it is good to use that fact inside the country. I don’t mean our society. Our sons are serving in the army and the parade cannot show new things for us. I mean the Armenia-Diaspora congress. The participants of the congress have an opportunity to watch the parade and realize that the Republic of Armenia exists and is like they have been imagining it in their minds. It is very like schools do; once a year they organize concerts, the children of schools sing songs and the board members of their benevolent organizations give them “some money” for charity. We understand that they can’t get money without any poems about the “Beauty of the Motherland”. Those who give money want to know why they do that; they won’t give money if the children speak about physics instead of Armenian poems.
In a word, we should understand our soldiers since it is our annual march.