Fliers against Putin


The fliers read, “Putin pretends to be a civil European when he meets the leaders of Eastern European countries, but rules in Russia as a cruel dictator. He refers to Russian citizens as slaves. He allows himself to violate elections, order to kill children and others in Nord-Ost and Beslan, close newspaper editions. He jails and kills his political competitors. He is responsible for the foundation of “death squadrons”, which go hunting in competing parties and get their leaders and activists. He even steals from the poor buys yachts for him with the hundreds and millions of dollars. He is not better than his dictator friends Karimov and Nijazov. But in spite of them, sits around a table with the leaders of the G8. Sooner or later people will get rid of this national security officer, who is not a high rank officer, but thinks that he is a prince. We are asking all the world independent Mass Media representatives to not back the dictator and criminal”.

After this incident Vladimir Putin made a speech. He said that there are over 3.000 print media companies and many TV and radio networks and that it’s impossible to control all of them. Putin said that people should not take the words of some Bolsheviks seriously because they appreciated free speech. Russian journalists were smiling with irony when listening to these sentences. During the discussions held recently, someone said that in several years Russia may be called “Gazpromia”, because they had founded a company named “Gazprom Media”, which included different companies, one of which was “Izvestia”. This means that this company intends on having Russia control the mass media.