UFOs in the Georgian sky

03/06/2006 Yuri SIMONYAN

Last week, Georgia was “attacked” by UFOs two to three times. Many state officials talked about that a couple of times and it’s not clear as to how many times the UFOs have invaded Georgia. Was it two or three times? However, each time the UFOs have entered from the Java region of Southern Osetia, they have made a turnabout in the autonomous republic and left without any interest in exploring the rest of the country.

UFO is the abbreviation for “unidentified flying object”. Georgian state officials claim that the UFOs that appeared in the Georgian sky were Russian.

“This has gone far enough. Next time we will attack,” threatened Minister of Defense of Georgia Irakli Okruashvili and added in an unsure tone:

“We will attack, if we see that they are threatening significant objects.”

How can we decide whether the Russian UFOs are threatening our security (excuse me for this nonsense, but it’s not my fault) or they are just flying in the Georgian sky? Judging from the current political events, this is probably the case: if the UFO is from Russia, then it’s a threat to Georgia; however, if it’s just a UFO or a UFO from another country, then there is really no danger because it seems as though Georgia doesn’t have any other enemies besides Russia.

President Mikhail Sahakashvili was more straightforward than the Minister of Defense. In the beginning, he also said that the Russian UFO had entered Georgia on May 26-Independence Day. However, he later said that that was a destructive airplane and a Russian one at that. According to him, the airplane came to threaten Georgian security on Independence Day, but it wasn’t able to.

“They can’t scare us. Georgia isn’t what it was five years ago, when they could bomb the Pankis ditch. We will react. We will attack those planes entering our country without permission. We have enough resources for that,” said the president.

Five years ago, Georgia didn’t have the resources to eliminate UFOs (most probably the Russian ones) and that’s for sure. This is what former Minister of Defense of Georgia Tevzadze had said back then. When journalists had asked him whether it was possible to do something against the UFOs (at the time, they were entering Georgia frequently), Tevzadze, who was rather unusual and was busy with philosophy and Eastern martial arts, announced:

“We’re not going to attack them with catapults are we? We need something else.”

It seems as though Georgia has found that “something else” throughout the past couple of years, but is still not using it. The country is simply going along with the protests, the “last warnings” and challenging Russian ambassador Vladimir Chkhikvishvili. The latter has probably gotten used to that. This time, Chkhikvishvili told journalists:

“Those UFOs, which have gone over the limit, have turned mythical and serve as a figment of people’s imagination. Each time Georgia protests, the Russian side gives enough evidence proving that no plane has left the Russian airport towards Georgia in that time slot.”

Head of the security and defense committee of the Georgian parliament Givi Targamadze said the following in his intact way:

“Soon he personally (we must assume Chkhikvishvili-Y.S.) will become a mythical figure. We have evidence proving what really happened in Georgia during those days.”

It’s possible that this time there is evidence proving that the UFOs were from Russia and that evidence will be shown. It wouldn’t be bad. Half a year ago, there were protests, aggressive replies, warnings, but there was evidence that a villager from Samtredia or some other residency in Western Georgia who had seen the Russian UFO (I don’t remember that well, it was a long time ago). When the TV journalist from the Georgian “Imedi” television network asked the villager how sure he was that the plane was from Russia, the villager scratched his head and said:

“Who else would have sent the plane? There was a red star painted on the plane’s wing.”

Too bad that this villager, who not only saw the painted star kilometers away, but also the color, was not questioned amongst all the protests or was simply forgotten. It’s quite possible that scientific technology would achieve great heights with discovering new things about the human organism, in particular the human eye.