Be ready for Independence Day celebration

30/05/2006 Yuri SIMONYAN

Georgia celebrates its Independence Day on May 26. On that day Georgia will organize its biggest military parade. This parade will be organized with the participation of 18.000 soldiers, 6 planes, 36 helicopters and tanks. The tanks that will be shown are only medium tanks. At first they decided to show heavy tanks as well, but then they decided not to spoil the asphalt and the roads of Tbilisi. The interesting thing is the fact that a French orchestra will play with the Georgian one during the parade. Clergy members, representatives of foreign Embassies, governmental bodies and guests from abroad will be invited to watch the parade.

Just like in the past, this year nothing was said about the financial means to be spent for organizing this parade. Probably the reason is the fact that this time they haven’t spent much money either. On the other hand, the authorities don’t talk about this and say that the amounts given from the budget have increased. But in fact the number of foreign transfers to Georgia has gone down. As a matter of fact, Georgian economy hasn’t been doing too well this year. Besides that, Georgia will suffer the consequences of what Russia did for a long time. This was not enough for Georgia and God did his job too and probably farmers will not have much crop this year. In spite of this it is not worth talking about sad things during this celebration. Besides, I really don’t want to speak about the special police forces that are being formed, the forces that prefer killing criminals at the scene of the crime rather than arresting them. We don’t want to speak about the lost territories either. I don’t want to speak about what will happen if the Kremlin starts its operation “volcano” and forces all citizens of Georgia living in the territory of Russia to leave. I don’t want to mention the fact that a lot of free catering cafes are being discovered in Georgia and Georgian politicians speak proudly without understanding the meaning of this. I don’t want to talk about the many problems that exist in Georgia.

It is a time for celebration and it is better to be in the celebrative mood. For instance, let’s talk about the army, which is starting to look like a real army. But everything is not excellent here either. Oppositionists criticize and say that there is no need to spend huge amounts of money to improve the military capacity if they don’t want to start a war with a third country, and say that it would be better to spend this money on establishing a new production or factory. As for the May 26 parade, they criticize this too and ask whom they want to surprise with their military capacity. They don’t understand that celebrations look like celebrations when there are concerts and fireworks and when money from the state budget takes care of all the expenses. They may organize such celebrations once a year and it’s worth doing that on Independence Day. There is no need to ask how much money has been spent on it. Let’s go along with ethical rules. It will all be revealed later on. Either the authorities will talk about that, or, on the other hand, the opposition may find out.