”GasProm” has a ”surprise”


”GasProm” company plans on increasing the price of a thousand cubic meters of gas in Armenia from the present 54 dollars to 110 in 2006. This was announced in Moscow by vice president of the ”GasProm” administration Alexander Ryazanov. Meanwhile, the press for ”ArmRusGasard” joint stock company announced that at the present, the Armenian side has not received any official document regarding the increase in prices. Much earlier, president of the committee for public announcements Robert Nazaryan had announced that there can be no increase in prices for electricity, water and gas until May 1st, 2006. According to A. Ryazanov, consumers in Georgia will also pay 110 dollars for a thousand cubic meters of gas. At the present, gas in the Middle Baltic countries costs 80 dollars for a thousand cubic meters. Starting from next year, Litvia, Latvia and Estonia will pay 120-125 dollars for gas, while Moldova will pay 150-160 dollars. As for Ukraine, ”GasProm” claims that Ukraine will pay 160 dollars for gas starting next year, meanwhile the Ukrainian side wishes to keep the 50 dollar price for another year.